Over the past few years I’ve chosen a theme for my smalls and ornaments. I’ve stitched one ornament from each JCS ornament issue, Dragon Dreams ornaments, and TW smalls. For 2015 I was planning on making this my theme:
Yes, I thought I could actually finish up Teresa Wentzler’s 12 Days of Christmas. And, hey, since two were already finished, I’d have two months to fill with something else. Then I came to my senses. Next year I really want to stitch at least one stocking and a birth sampler. I’d also love to design a Minecraft piece for my little man. The TW ornaments may be small, but they aren’t that small. So, plan B:
I’ll be working my way through my backlog of Mill Hill ornaments and other little kits. I absolutely adore Mill Hill ornaments, and I love how they look on my Christmas tree. Since I’m a bit short on the 12 I need for the year, I’ll also be stitching some other small kits I’ve collected over the years.
Would you like to join in on the stitching fun? You can learn all about the 2015 Smalls SAL here. If you will be taking part, let me know what you think you will be stitching. (Jo, I know you are going with snakes, right? 😉 )
it’s a Mill Hill year for me as well! I have…*counts on fingers* six of the tiny kits, the size you have shown. Seven if I can find all the bits for the spider. And I have … *needs more fingers* three? of the small square scenes with beads and buttons. Unless I find another one, but I really don’t think I do. Unless I squeeze an order in before SAS 2015 starts >_> (unlikely, I need to buy over 60 skeins of floss for two projects and my wallet is making sad pathetic whining noises) that’s it, so I’ll be rounding out with a few Sweetheart Tree smalls that I’ve had sitting in my stash for far too long.
Ooh, I love that 12 days of Christmas! But I can see how that can be a little daunting; sometimes the small charts are still time consuming. I love your choices for the Smalls SAL; I plan on doing the square monthly charts by Erica Michaels from Rainbow Gallery.
Love your choices Heather. I will be continuing with the sets that I was working on this year.
Damn you autocorrect for signing me up for something impossible!
I will be stitching Hallowe’en S M A L L S mostly with some random ones thrown in from my Gifted Gorgeousness SAL.
Other than the Prim Hare cubes there isn’t an actual series I have seen yet that tempts me enough. Though I did buy the Just Nan Advent Calendar, that would be two a month.
I have the chart for the TW 12 Days too, maybe I should try catch up with you and then we could stitch two a year for the next forever!
Good plan! I’m not sure what I’ll be stitching. i did consider going for a rabbit theme, or a magazine free gift theme, but I suspect it will be a mixture of the two
Great picks! TW smalls are rather like Chatelaine smalls – small in size but they take as much time as some designers full sized pieces. I have TWs 12 Days somewhere in my stash and am determined to do them all some year.
In 2015 I’ll realize the next points from my “Cross Stitch Wish List Tag” – you can see it here: http://papierkowoniteczkowo.blogspot.com/2014/09/hafciarska-lista-zyczen.html
I’ll be cheering you along in 2015 to see your progress on TW’s 12 Days.
I’ve started to pick mine out today, all of them have com from Just Cross Stitch 2012 Christmas Ornament Issue! Only 7 picked so far though… 🙂