It’s been one of those weeks. You’d have thought that last week, with the power outage and all, would have been worse. Nope. This week it was one thing after another. Ceiling in the kitchen leaking again, not being able to do laundry, another new manager at work, being called in to work extra hours, hating my job, the heat, etc. It’s enough to make me want to spend next week in bed. But, of course, I can’t do that.
This week will hopefully help brighten me up. Tomorrow we head of to TO. We have a room at a lovely hotel, with a pool. (Thank goodness!) Maybe a trip to the ROM. Dinner with quanta’s dad tomorrow night, so he can sign my passport picture. A wedding to go to on Saturday, where we will see some friends from university. Then an easy day coming home on Sunday. And I don’t think I work again until Wednesday. With any luck, everything will go well. And if not, well I’ll just have to look for a silver lining in these awful grey clouds that seem to be following me around.