Olympic Stitching

China Daily has an interesting article about Chinese Olympic athletes who find cross stitch and other forms of embroidery just as satisfying as completing in sports: A stitch in time wins gold for China.  While it may seem like cross stitch is dying a slow death in North America and Europe, but it is nice to know that it is thriving in Asia.

Chang-Er Moon Goddess

Chang-Er Moon Goddess

I totally agree with weightlifter Liu Chunhong, who says “You probably spend four or five days finishing it, then you look at it and you feel you are the best in the world.”  Although my projects can last as long as four or five months (or years), it is very true that the feeling of accomplishment when the project is finished is amazing.  I go from a pile of thread and a blank piece of material to a beautiful picture that I made.  And while I may not have designed the image, after putting in 10, or 50, or 300 hours of work on it, I feel like it is mine.

We live in a world of instant gratification.  We want everything now!  No waiting, no hard work.  Cross stitch is the opposite.  You slow down, you have time to think and dream, and you end up with a beautiful hand-made project.  And that is one of the best things there is.

And, in reality, I guess that taking some quiet time to cross stitch is a bit better than participating in the bacchanalia that is taking place at the Olympic village.

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