Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Man

Today my little man turns 2.  He has grown so much, and is well on his way to becoming (I hope) and an intelligent, kind and gentle person.  Some days are hard, and some days are so much fun.  I look forward to what the future holds, especially if it means he goes back to sleeping through the night.

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4 Responses to Happy 2nd Birthday, Baby Man

  1. Erica says:

    Happy Birthday Baby Man! May you have many, many more!

    Now let your poor parents get some sleep, ‘K? 🙂

    I promise someday he’ll sleep again Silverlotus! Really! Been there, done that…..

  2. Missy Ann says:

    Happy Birthday little one!
    .-= Missy Ann´s last blog ..Someone dropped a house on my sister! =-.

  3. Annette says:

    Happy Birthday young man – 2 is a very important age.
    .-= Annette´s last blog ..Sweet Nectar =-.

  4. Lindsay says:

    Happy Birthday Baby Man