TUSAL – September

Wow, I’m later than I have ever been with my Totally Useless Stitch Along post! It’s on my calendar, but I just keep forgetting. With the little man starting school and a mild health scare (one of the kids in his class had whooping cough, but thankfully C’s tests came back negative), I’ve just had my mind on other things. I’m also taking a couple of classes through Coursera, so I’ve been getting back into the groove of being in “school” myself.

Anyway, on to the pictures! (It is raining today, so things are very dark.)

My little ort collector.


My big jar o’ Orts.

So, let’s see–I’ve got yarn from the dishcloths, a wee monster I knit the little man (pictures soon!) and those socks from the other day (and maybe a Christmas gift too…). I also have floss from the CherryWood Design Studios smalls that I have been stitching (I’ll share another one tomorrow), and from the Lizzie*Kate mystery. And, there is a wee bit of floss from my latest mystery start. Anyone want to guess what it is? I’ll give you one small hint–I’m not stitching the border, which is all PTB and beads. (Also, the picture is really dark. Thanks, rainy day!)

Oh, a mystery!


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2 Responses to TUSAL – September

  1. Erica says:

    Hmmmm – if I had to guess – I’d guess the PR Mystery SAL? Maybe? 🙂

    Good job on the ORTs this month.

  2. Joanne P says:

    I’m guessing the Passione Ricamo Fairy? The border put me off stitching this one. That and the large amount of WIPs I already have!