Cake Success

I am not a baker, by any definition. I cook so much better than I bake. But, with the little man’s allergies, I find myself baking more often. And this past weekend I had a cake success!

Creeper cake

Creeper cake

This is the Creeper cake I made for the little man’s birthday celebrations. The eyes, nose and mouth are mini Coffee Crisps (several varieties of chocolate bars here are peanut/nut free in mini form but not full size). The recipe I used can be found here, and it turned out fabulous! The icing was from a can (bad mommy!) with food colouring added.

It might not look too much like a “real” Creeper, but the little man loved it.


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2 Responses to Cake Success

  1. Angela says:

    It’s so cute! My Son loves to play this game so I knew it was a creeper straight away 🙂 My ornament is done, I’m just waiting for the date to post it 🙂

  2. Susan says:

    Congratulations on your cake. Canned frosting is not a bad thing. You made the cake from scratch it doesn’t hurt to get help whenever you can. I’m just the opposite, I can bake but unless there’s a recipe, don’t ask me to cook.