June Goals and More

Somehow I missed the beginning of the month and I didn’t post my June goals.  There is no recap for May because I didn’t set any goals.  I figured that since it was my birthday month I was entitled to give myself some slack.  And it worked out quite well, since I had that awful cold that knocked me for a loop for about two weeks.  Anyway…

June Goals

  • Finish and frame Happily Ever After before June 24th
  • Finish Montavilla Market Tote
  • Start Liesl for my mom
  • Find a pattern, and possibly start, the socks I’m doing on commission
  • Iron and frame Sunflower Fairy (yes, I still haven’t gotten around to ironing her)
  • Start Rajasthan Lotus Temple

I’m off to a good start on my goals.  I finished up Montavilla Market Tote just a couple of hours ago.  The ends are woven in and it is just waiting for a bath.  I’m hoping to ship off my package to the recipient in a week or two, but first I plan to make a couple of other small things, if I can find the time.

Montavilla Market Tote (stuffed with 25 50g balls of yarn)

Liesl, unfortunately, is not off to a good start.  I have a fairly large collection of knitting needles for someone who has only been knitting for about a year and a half. But, I don’t have a lot of the larger sizes.  Liesl calls for a 7mm needle, I have a 6.5mm and an 8mm circular, but no 7 or 7.5mm.  (I did a guage swatch with my 8mm, and I’m sure I will actually need a 7.5mm since I am a tight knitter.)  So, I’m going to have to head up to Mary Maxim sometime in the next couple of weeks.  In the meantime, I’ll put in some more work on my Rosebud Socks or my Empire Lace Cardi, both of which have been languishing while I tried to get the market bag done.

Happily Ever After is moving slowly.  I have one side of the border done and part of the “Happily Ever After” row.  I’m going to start the other side of the border today and pray that everything meets up. If it does, it is pretty much smooth sailing.  Honestly, I get so paranoid when I don’t start a design in the middle.

Happily Ever After by Marie Barber (WIP)

I also had a bunch of baby knitting planned for this summer, but it looks like I don’t need to do it now.  My friend has decided to have her baby in Singapore rather than Canada, since they will be living in Cambodia for a few years for work. I’m pretty sure a baby that will be living in Cambodia has no need for two or three nice heavy baby sweaters.  Although, such a baby just might look adorable in a Katja.

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1 Responses to June Goals and More

  1. Missy Ann says:

    What a pretty bag!
    .-= Missy Ann´s last blog ..Gotta do this more than once a week =-.