Tag Archives: Meme

Happy New Year and TUSAL

Happy Chinese New Year! It is the start of the year of the Serpent (or snake). People born in a Serpent year are said to be intelligent and quick, but prone to dishonesty. (Ouch!) They are also known as elegant … Continue reading

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Stitching Bloggers Blog Hop #15

Baby Man and I have spent the last couple of days home sick. He is just about back to his old self, and should be off to school this afternoon. I, on the other hand, am looking forward to a … Continue reading

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July Stitching Blogger Question

Ouch! My poor left hand. It seems that knitting four pairs of socks on small metal needles, one right after the other, wasn’t such a good idea. I have developed a pain my in hand that is taking a bit … Continue reading

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Stitching Bloggers Blog Hop

I love blog hops, and I love answering questions. So, let’s all do the Blog Hop from Stitching the Night Away. I’m looking forward to stopping by your blog to read your answer. The prompt this time is: Do you … Continue reading

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TUSAL – January 2012

It’s that time again: the new moon and time for a picture of my bits and pieces as part of the Totally Useless Stitch Along (TUSAL). If you are interested in joining, check out this post on DaffyCat’s blog for … Continue reading

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March 2011 Stitching Blogger Question

Lee of Lakeside Stitcher has posted this month’s Stitching Blogger question. It is: Do you have a favourite Irish or Celtic stitched piece?  If you don’t, what about a piece that represents your heritage?  Or maybe a family tree style … Continue reading

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February 2011 Stitching Blogger Question

I completely forgot about the Stitching Blogger Questions that Lee over at Lakeside Stitcher posts. (Thanks to Anna at Stitch Bitch for the reminder.) This month’s prompt is: We like to stitch things for people we love.  Show us and … Continue reading

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