About Heather
Needleworker, Knitter, Crocheter, Sewist, Paper Crafter, and more!
Also known as Silverlotus & Stitchinglotus
Located just outside of Toronto, Canada.
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Monthly Archives: November 2014
Lest We Forget
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. For the Fallen by … Continue reading
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Posted in The Outside World
Plans for 2015
We are nearly through the first week of November and the end of the year is creeping closer. We still need to make it through Christmas and all that surrounds it (and my American friends still have Thanksgiving to survive … Continue reading
2014 Fall Creativ Festival – Part 1
Last month I spent five great days at the Creativ Festival in downtown Toronto. I took several classes, ranging from sewing a huge craft bag. to knitting socks two-at-a-time, to ribbon embroidery. Perhaps the hardest class I took as Introduction … Continue reading
Pumpkin Faces
I’m pretty sure I haven’t carved a pumpkin in about twenty years. But, now that we are in a house and have a lovely little boy, I figured it was time to give it a try. So, a couple of … Continue reading
Two-Coloured Socks
A few weeks ago I whinged about how annoyed I was at myself for not being able to match the dye lot for a pair of socks that I’ve been working on since March. Well, I bit the bullet and … Continue reading