‘Tis the Season

I’m fighting off my annual end of the year cold. It isn’t a very pleasant way to end the year. But, at least it means I can have a couple of naps a day without feeling particularly guilty.

I was fairly productive this morning, before my on coming cold started to knock me out. Our Christmas tree is down, and all the decorations are put away. It has been up since the last weekend of November, which I think is more then long enough, especially since there are no little ones around to enjoy it.

As you may know, I am Wiccan, so, I don’t really celebrate Christian Christmas. Instead, I see it more as a holy time of year for many faiths, including Wicca, as well as a time of year to spend time with family and friends. I do set up a Nativity scene under our tree, sort of as a hold over to my childhood. (And hey, Jesus had some really good messages for the world. I’ve got nothing against him at all.)

This year, more then most, I am glad the holiday season is pretty much over. The last couple of months have been a bit hard, with quanta and Dad both being laid off. I’m so looking forward to the new year, and hoping that things will improve.

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