Walking the Walk

Well… this blog hasn’t seen much action yet, has it?

I’m currently devouring Stephen King’s On Writing. And, although I am not a big fan of Mr. King’s novels, I am absolutely loving this book. He has a way with words and an ability to tell a story that I envy.

I love words, but I am also more then a little afraid of them. I have never been able to spell particularly well, and this has lead me to be quiet timid when it comes to expressing myself. Using word processing software has really helped me feel more free. (All my blog entries are written in UltraEdit and spell checked before being posted.) But, deep down, there is still that young girl who so wanted to write a story, but wasn’t able to spell well enough to do it. If, when I was writing, I came across a word I couldn’t spell, I would use a different word (or words) that I could, and change the sentence to fit. I’ve never really gotten over this, and my writing is stunted because of this.

But, even with my difficulty spelling, I was always a voracious reading. I don’t just read books, I devour them. I am always reading at least two books, with several more waiting in the wings. There is more then a little jealousy involved, I think. Maybe, I think, if I read enough I will finally get up the nerve to write my own book.

The time is finally coming to walk the walk, even if I am the only one who will read it.

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1 Responses to Walking the Walk

  1. BrentN says:

    Sarah loved _On Writing_. Her personal work ethic for writing mirrors greatly what King described there. She also enjoyed _Bird by Bird_ by Anne Lamott. You might want to pick that one up too.