At the end of October, I went to the bi-annual CreativFestival here in Toronto. There are two shows, one in the spring and one in the fall, that focus on needlework, quilting, knitting, scrapbooking etc. I go to the fall show, partly because it is easier for me to get to (the spring show being held in another part of the city), and partly because I enjoy the classes.
This year I only took three class, since growing this wee baby inside me makes me very tired. My favourite class piece is Laura Dickson of Enchanting Lair‘s Jade Dragon. (You can see my work in progress here.) I love it so much that I have already bought a box in which to mount it, and a companion chart for matching stitching accessories (needle case, scissor keeper and fob.) I also took two classes by Dragon Dream‘s Jennifer Aikman-Smith: Teeny Tiny Treasure Chest (which really is tiny!) and Sleeping Dragon Ornament. These were great fun to stitch, and I am very happy to have finished them already.
Jennifer Aikman-Smith also gave two lectures this year. The first was about creativity, mostly as it applied to crafting. However, I took about a page of notes that make sense for all creative endeavours, from cooking to Tarot reading. Her second lecture was about copyright and self-publishing. Again, it was full of good information, but was a little more applicable to people looking to publish craft patterns. I will say, though, that I am shocked by the amount of cross stitch patterns available online (one of her topics of discussion). People who claim they share patterns because they are expensive and can’t afford to buy them make me laugh–patterns are the least expensive part of this hobby. The supplies–threads, beads, fabric, etc.–cost many times more then a pattern. (There are a few exceptions, companies that charge a ridiculous amount for a computer generated pattern, but oddly I haven’t seen too many of their patterns being shared.)
And even thought the baby will still be very small next fall, I am hoping I can go to the show again then. Teresa Wentzler of TW Designworks will be returning to teach at least one class with Jennifer Aikman-Smith. I’m sure quanta can handle the baby for a day while I relax with some stitching.