Swans, Socks, a Fairy, and a Special Kitty

The other day I promised to share a special finish. Here it is: Bushfire Kitty from The Cat’s Whiskers. It is a special design being offered by Janie as a way to raise funds for the Australian Red Cross Bushfire Appeal. You can learn more about the design here. At a cost of $3.50, I think it is a wonderful little design to pick up.

Bushfire Kitty by The Cat’s Whiskers
Treads: DMC and Dinky Dyes
Fabric: 36ct. white linen

Next, since it is Mirabilia March, I thought I would share my progress on Halloween Fairy.

Halloween Fairy by Mirabilia
Threads: DMC and Kreinik #4 braid
Beads: Mill Hill
Fabric: 32ct. Cashel in Cobblestone

My crocheting is also coming along quite well. I starting working on the Cygnus square just to prove I could do it. I was a bit confused at the frilling that seemed to be happening, but was happy with how it looked otherwise. It turns out I’ve been doing extended double crochets instead of regular double crochets. I guess I got confused because of the shawl pattern I’m following. (It uses extended double crochets almost entirely.) The shawl is coming along great, but it doesn’t look like anything, so no pictures. But here is my slightly wonky square, which I will frog.

Cygnus Square
Yarn: Butterfly Super 10

And to keep with the swan theme, I have finished the front of the Ackworth Swan Treasure Keep from February’s The Gift of Stitching.

Ackworth Swan Treasure Keep from The Gift of Stitching
Threads: Old Willow Stitcher
Fabric: Sugar Cane Crunch from Stitches and Spice

I’m also working away on a sock using Panda Cotton from Crystal Palace Yarns, and a jacket for Baby Man using Bernat’s Baby Jacquards. Both are coming along well, but I have been focusing more on my crochet because of the class I’m taking. Everything will get done in its own time.
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