Two Jackets, One Mirror

I think I’ve mentioned a few times that I was taking a class on finishing knitting pieces.  (If I didn’t mention it here, I’m sure I mentioned it on my Twitter feed.)  So, having learned how to correctly do the dreaded mattress stitch, I decided it was high time for me to finish up the two jackets I’ve been working on.

The first is the Ribbed Lace Bolero, which I knit up from Cotton-Ease to wear for a wedding we are attending next weekend.  I think it turned out fabulous, if a touch big.  I’ve lost quite a bit of weight over the past little while, and I’m still not used to my new size.  Warning, this is an unflattering picture.

Ribbed Lace Bolero, July 2009

The bolero is seamed under my arms, so you can’t see it at all in this picture.  But trust me, it looks pretty darn good, even if I do say so myself.

The second jacket I seamed up was the Baby Surprise Jacket that I have shared a couple of times.  Here it is all done:

Baby Surprise Jacket, July 2009

And here is a close-up of some of the shoulder seam.  Note that I was seaming a row to a stitch, which is a bit difficult.  It isn’t perfect, but I still think it looks good.


I have been cross stitching too!  I finished up the Crescent Moon Mirror from Joan Elliot’s newish book Bewitching Cross Stitch. What I would like to know is why it is that even though I am sure I have all the materials I require before I start, I find out halfway through that I am missing something.  It never fails!  In this case I didn’t have any #4 Braid 25 grey, so I used DMC 158 instead (it was just backstitch), and I didn’t have the one bead so I substituted another one that I thought looked nice.  But I am sure when I planned this project I had everything.

Crescent Moon Mirror, Joan Elliot, July 2009

Thank you to SoftwareGoddess for agreeing to set up a trade for the pocket mirror!

And yes, I am working on Baby Man’s stocking too.  Here is my progress so far:


Not bad, eh?  I’m trying to bribe myself by saying I will finish Santa and then I can work on Take Time to Read.  Hopefully my will power holds out.

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