On and On Goes the Hood

Yesterday I talked about  my cross stitch, so today is about knitting.  I’m working diligently away on my lovely Central Park Hoodie.  I now have the back and two fronts done and seamed together, as well as one sleeve.


I decided to knit the sleeve in the round to save myself some steps when it came to finishing, and so I could try it on as I went.  I had read that the sleeves are a bit tight, so I wanted to be able to check out the fit.  I’m glad I did, because, while it isn’t tight, it is definitely a fitted sleeve.  And, I was also able to start the shoulder cap a little early so I didn’t end up with a sleeve that completely covered my had.

Instead of casting on the second sleeve, or even attaching this sleeve to the rest of the garment, I decided to work on the hood next.  I’m so glad I did, because having to move around just the front and back of the hoodie is hard enough.  It would be too heavy and cumbersome if I had attached both sleeves before starting the hood.


As you can see, I’ve decided to continue the back cable up the hood.  I’ll be using a three needle bind-off to seam the hood.  Then, instead of knitting the second sleeve, I’ll pick up the stitches for the button band all at once using a really long needle and work it for a bit more than the pattern calls for.  (I’m worried that I’m not going to get enough ease, so I’m going to make the hood a touch shorter at 11″ and make the button band wider at maybe 2 1/2″ instead of 1 1/2″.  We shall see how it comes together.)

I didn’t do the best job in the work picking up some of the stitches for the hood.  But I figure the hood will be down most of the time, and washing and wearing the hoodie will help even them out a bit too.


You might also notice that the double cable on the sleeve isn’t the same as the one on the back of the hoodie.  That’s totally my fault.  I got my cables mixed up for the back, but decided to do them correctly for the sleeves.  Hopefully it will all come together nicely.

I’ve also been planning what I’m going to knit and crochet for Christmas gifts.  Since there is a good chance we are going to be without Internet service for up to two weeks at the end of this month, I’ve been printing out patterns and making notes on what I can make.  But, because a certain cross stitched gift has yet to be acknowledged, homemade gifts will only be going to immediate family this year.  (Actually, gifts in general will likely be limited to immediate family for various reasons.  We shall see, though.)  This means, sadly, that soon I won’t be showing too  many pictures of what I am working on.  I will, happily, still have lots of cross stitch pictures to share though!

Lastly, I’m still looking for a source for The Great American Aran Afghan that isn’t charging an arm and a leg for shipping or double the cover price because they think it is out of print.  (It isn’t out of print, eBay and Amazon price gougers!!)  If you know of somewhere I can get it, please let me know.

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