Earth Socks and Sun Socks

I’ve been knitting socks again. Surprise!

Herimone's Everyday Socks by Erica Lueder

The pattern is Herimone’s Everyday Socks from Erica Lueder of Dreams in Fiber. The pattern is avaliable for free through Ravelry or through Erica’s website here. The yarn is Bernat Sox in colour Wooded Denim, a nylon/acrylic blend, which knit up quite nicely. These socks are now on their way to a lovely lady in Austin, Texas.

And, since I think the world might end if I don’t have a pair of socks on the needles, I’ve cast on my next pair:

Cookie A's Summer Sox Socks by Cookie A

The pattern for these socks is Cookie A’s Summer Sox Socks by Cookie A, a free pattern avaliable for Classic Elite. (This appears to be the same as her Kelp pattern, which is for sale for $6 from Webs.) The yarn is a hand-dyed from Yarn Hollow, and appears to be very, very simlilar to my all-time favourite sock yarn, Panda Cotton. These are yet another pair for the lady in Sarnia.

So, there are socks on the needles and all is right in the world.


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1 Responses to Earth Socks and Sun Socks

  1. Erin says:

    Lovely. Is it silly to say that the blue ones look relaxing and the yellow ones look cheery? They really do, to me!