No Home for My Hooks

My camera and I are officially no longer on speaking terms. In fact, it has been packed up in a lonely little box and sent two cities over to get repaired. (At least, I hope it will be repaired.) And, not a moment too soon, since the warranty runs out on August 1st!

Pictures of my last finished project, a lovely crochet case (link to pattern on etsy), are trapped on my memory card. I have a card reader somewhere, but darned if I can find it. So, imagine my case looking a lot like the pictures, but with a dark teal interior. I’m very happy with how it turned out, except for the fact that it doesn’t fit my Soft Touch handle crochet hooks. And that is exactly what I wanted it for. On the bright side, all the tiny steel and regular-size aluminum hooks I never use have a beautiful new home.

Of course, that leaves me without a home for the hooks I use all the time. Clover sells this case for US$11, so I might just buy it. I mean, I’ve spent about that much already making a case that didn’t work, so why waste more money? (Of course, they only ship to the US, so I might just be out of luck. Argh!

In other news, my cross stitch-able iPhone 4 case arrived today. I’ll have pictures and a short review of it tomorrow (assuming I can get my husband’s camera to talk to my computer.) Stay tuned!

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1 Responses to No Home for My Hooks

  1. cucki says:

    hello dear, i hope they fix your camera soon..finger crossed..
    keep well xx