Happy Hearts

My son’s interests currently run to Hot Wheels and Lego. He doesn’t like to colour, and crafting in general just leaves him cold. I guess he figures that his Momma does enough of it, so there is no need to bother. πŸ˜‰ But, once in a blue moon I can convince him to give me a hand with a project.

Recently we worked on Valentine’s Day crafts together. The little man made silly faces using a kit I picked up at the dollar store, while I put together a few cards to an exchange.

Makin' Faces

A short time later, this is what we ended up with. (Note that my dining room table isΒ  glass, which is why things might look like they are floating. lol!)

Cards and Happy Faces

Inside my (rather simple) cards are a couple of pretty heart stamps and a lovely message. Less is more, right?

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3 Responses to Happy Hearts

  1. Giovanna says:

    Those are so cute!

  2. Genevieve says:

    love it!!

  3. Caitlin says:

    awesome hearts πŸ˜€ and lego is crafty just a different kind of craft!