June SBQ

Thank you very much for all the wonderful comments I received about 1,000 posts and nearly nine years of blogging. It is nice to know that I’m not just screaming into the darkness, as it were. 😀

So, June’s Stitching Blogger Question is up on Lake Stitcher. This month Lee (and Ryan Gosling) want to know:

Do you stitch patriotic/national pieces (or maybe just pieces that represent a specific place)? What’s your favorite?

I don’t really stitch any patriotic pieces. I have Victoria Sampler’s O Canada in my stash, and I would really love to stitch it. I’m also thinking about coming up with some sort of Canadian flag needle book after being inspired by the American flag one that Geeky Heather over at It’s All Geek to Me posted. And, when we were thinking about moving to Cambodia (long story there), I was planning on stitching a Canadian-themed design to take with me (I wish I could remember the name, but it was something like the shape of Canada with the flag inside and words like “Land that I love”.)

Oh, I have stitched the New Brunswick Hearts of Canada by Victoria Sampler for a friend who was running as an MP out in Halifax.

Hearts of Canada: Nova Scotia by Victoria Sampler (stitched 2009)

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1 Responses to June SBQ

  1. Christine says:

    I like that! I don’t do patriotic patterns either. But the one with the penny and the dime with part in sort of shadow are rather pretty.