A Little Irish Green

As I’m sure most of you are aware, I tend to get a little bit behind. I mean well, really. But, once in a while I do actually get things done ahead of time.

Lucky Day by Mill Hill

Lucky Day by Mill Hill

This is Lucky Day, a Mill Hill kit from the 2010 Spring Bouquet collection. It is stitched as per the pattern, except I attached all the beads with half cross stitches instead of using full stitches for the petite beads. (Yes, I am that lazy.)

The original plan was to finish it as a pin for the little man to wear to school on St. Patrick’s Day. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a bit too big for his little chest. It does come with a magnet, but my new stainless steel fridge isn’t magnet! lol! I think I might just put it away to use as an ornament when I finally get around to creating a year long ornament tree.

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5 Responses to A Little Irish Green

  1. Susan says:

    Very cute finish. I love Mill Hill’s pins as ornaments.

  2. It looks really nice – very Irish!

  3. SoCal Debbie says:

    That will make a wonderful ornament! Non-magnetic refrigerator? What is the world coming to? Mine is covered from top to bottom with magnets. LOL

  4. Lynn says:

    Sweet! I love this one!

  5. Lisa Bergin says:

    A sweet finish 🙂