Well, goodness, I didn’t mean to disappear for so many days. The cold that has been lurking around our house for the past couple of weeks really knocked me out, and I’ve spent a few days trying to sleep it off. I’ve just finally started feeling more like myself. I still have a nasty cough, but at least I am able to function again. 😉
I have just a few bits of news and whatnot to share today. First, thanks for all the comments on my scarf and other posts. I’m sorry that I haven’t been keeping up with replies. Blame it on the cold, resting my arm, and being a bit lazy. But, the arm is good again and I’m working on being less lazy. 😀
Next, I had a question about the finishing for ornaments for the Ornament SAL. Yes, you can absolutely finish them however you like (cards, ornaments, nothing at all) and they will still count! The idea is just to stitch a small design that could be reasonably called an ornament and to have fun. The more the merrier, as I’ve been saying. 😉
Lastly, Knit Picks (an online yarn retailer) finally admitted this past weekend that they left sensitivity data accessible on their servers for over a month. This data included names, addresses, phone numbers and credit card numbers. They claim the affected numbers are only from website sales between late 2012 and early 2013, but in a strange bit of coincidence, I had a card number stolen this week that was used at Knit Picks in early 2012 (and very rarely used elsewhere). If you have purchased anything from Knit Picks, please check your credit cards. There is more information in this thread on Ravelry and here at the Knit Picks blog.
More pictures of new projects will be coming soon! But for now I’m off to bed.
My card nunber was stolen this week too. My last KP purchase was Nov. 2012. Maybe they do not know or haven’t revealed the extent of the problem. Thanks for the info.
Glad you’re feeling better. The cold that’s going around is wicked – I’d almost rather have had the flu as it doesn’t seem to linger.