Snow and Sleep

Poor Baby Man has been home sick for four days now. It is only a really nasty cold, but it has knocked his poor little body for a loop. All he has done is sleep and watch Mythbusters for the past few days. Not even our newly arrived set of Minecraft Lego could tempt him off the sofa.

Today I would have kept him home anyway. We are right in the path of that big storm making its way across parts of Canada and the U.S.. School buses were cancelled for our school board, but schools were surprisingly left open. Given the state of the roads at even 8 am this morning, I think that was very irresponsible. But, all I can do is choose to keep my little guy home and safe.

Here’s a little look at what it was like outside here at about 4pm today.

A world of white just beyond our balcony.

A world of white just beyond our balcony.

A car stuck in the snow. (Our street is still owned by the builder, so we are the very last to be ploughed.)

A car stuck in the snow. (Our street is still owned by the builder, so we are the very last to be ploughed.)

A mini snowdrift in the corner.

A mini snowdrift in the corner.

Pretty trees and large snowdrifts.

Pretty trees and large snowdrifts.

Our little tree is looking lovely in white.

Our little tree is looking lovely in white.

Motorist shovelling our busiest highway, during rush hour! They want to get home!!

Motorist shovelling our busiest highway, during rush hour! They want to get home!!


I hope all of you in the path of the storm are staying cozy and safe. Our only problem is we are out of hot chocolate and bacon!!

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7 Responses to Snow and Sleep

  1. Anna says:

    In the U.S. everyone runs to the store for milk, eggs, and bread at the first sign of snow. But I think we’d be a much better country if we went for bacon and hot chocolate. But now that I think of it, not Canadian bacon. (What do Canadians call Canadian bacon?)

  2. Denise says:

    Glad you are safe and warm at home, we are going to be getting a snow storm on sunday. I plan to get a bunch of stitching done here in my warm living room.
    Happy Stitching

  3. Giovanna says:

    Glad to read you’re safely inside. I hope your little one recovers quickly. Take care.

  4. Susan says:

    Stay safe and warm. My son is in New Hampshire and they were due to get hit hard – not as hard as Boston, but enough to make a mom worry. Hope your little guy is feeling better.

  5. Jessica says:

    The snow looks so pretty when you are warm and snug inside!

  6. Lynn says:

    We ended up with 35 cm in Chesterville. Ottawa didn’t get as much since they were on the edge of the storm. Unfortunately I did have to travel in that mess to sing at a funeral. I was never so glad to get home!

  7. SoCal Debbie says:

    Brrrr… that looks COLD! I’m so sorry you’re out of bacon and hot chocolate, though! I can see snow up in the mountains from my home down below, but it never snows down here. It’s in the 50s today but I could drive up to the snow in 30 minutes if I wanted to (NOT).