Looking for RSS – Bloglovin

Google Reader is being shut down this summer, which means there are a lot of people scrambling for a new RSS reader. Today, I’m trying out Bloglovin. In order to claim my blog on there I need to do this:

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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4 Responses to Looking for RSS – Bloglovin

  1. Angela says:

    I was so upset when I read this! I have been moving all my subscriptions over to The Old Reader but it’s really slow because they probably have tons of us all trying to get on at the same time. I’ve also heard that Feedly is a good option too. Right now I hate google 🙁

  2. Hi, I didn’t know that – does that mean that we will lose all our followers? Why, oh why do these people keep making changes?

  3. Anny P says:

    I’ve been following you on Bloglovin for ages – it works well – almost all the time! It’s where I’m reading you from today. Best wishes


  4. I use my LJ friends page. I can “syndicate” RSS feeds to LJ and then “friend” them so they show up on my friends page. That is how I read your blog, for example.