Travelling Light

Tomorrow we head off to Montreal for three days. (Don’t worry, the house won’t be unattended.) We are going for a friend’s wedding, but the long train trip and lots of unscheduled time means (potentially) lots of time for stitching and knitting. So, for the past couple of days I’ve been obsessing over planning what to take with me.

Namaste and stitching supplies all ready to go.

Namaste and stitching supplies all ready to go.

I ultimately decided to go with some simple projects. As my cross stitch project, I’ll be taking Ink Circle’s Namaste. I haven’t made any progress since I shared it last, so I think it is time it gets some attention.

Socks! Surprise.

Socks! Surprise.

Deciding on my knitting project was actually difficult. I thought about taking a baby sweater (no babies here, don’t worry!), but I worried I would finish it too quickly. Then I thought about a sweater for the little man, but I worried it would be too big. So, of course, I’m taking socks. But this pair is a little different. They are Turkish Bed Socks from Churchmouse Yarns & Teas, and they have an interesting construction. With luck, I’ll have at least one done by the end of the weekend.

Seriously, I’m going to be gone less than three days and yet I have to know I have enough to keep me busy. Heaven forbid my hands are idle for a moment! lol!

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3 Responses to Travelling Light

  1. Anna says:

    Love those socks. I have so many pairs of those clogs. Almost makes me want to learn to knit socks!

  2. Darlene says:

    Of course the decision of what crafts to take with you takes some time. I know it takes me a while and I always end up taking too much but yes heaven forbid we have idle hands.

  3. Giovanna says:

    Better to have too much than too little! And you’ll have the luxury of choosing between projects too 🙂 Have a good trip.