TUSAL – March 2014

A month has gone by, and it is time for the Totally Useless SAL yet again.

My mini ORT collector

My mini ORT collector

This month I have lots of greens and light colours thanks to the smalls I’ve been working on. Winter refuses to fade away gracefully, so I’m trying to bring in a little bit of spring through my stitching. Please, please tell me that spring hasn’t been cancelled this year. 🙁

My large ORT jar

My large ORT jar

And that is my jar for the year so far.  Goodness, it needs a good washing out. o_O It’s gotten a but dusty over the years.


If you’d like to know more about the Totally Useless SAL (TUSAL), check out It’s Daffycat’s blog here.

Full-Color Old-Time Vignettes - 4

Speaking of spring, the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe is having a Spring Floss Giveaway. Head over here and read about how you can win.

(The cats have nothing to do with anything. I just think it is a cute picture, and we can all use a bit of cuteness once in a while. Used by permission from Dover Publications.)

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1 Responses to TUSAL – March 2014

  1. Susan says:

    I am beginning to think spring has given us a pass this year. We have another winter storm coming through tomorrow with a predication of up to 12″ of snow with freezing rain and sleet. This is sooo not typical of central Virginia in March and I am not impressed at all!!