A month has gone by, and it is time for the Totally Useless SAL yet again.
This month I have lots of greens and light colours thanks to the smalls I’ve been working on. Winter refuses to fade away gracefully, so I’m trying to bring in a little bit of spring through my stitching. Please, please tell me that spring hasn’t been cancelled this year. 🙁
And that is my jar for the year so far. Goodness, it needs a good washing out. o_O It’s gotten a but dusty over the years.
If you’d like to know more about the Totally Useless SAL (TUSAL), check out It’s Daffycat’s blog here.
Speaking of spring, the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe is having a Spring Floss Giveaway. Head over here and read about how you can win.
(The cats have nothing to do with anything. I just think it is a cute picture, and we can all use a bit of cuteness once in a while. Used by permission from Dover Publications.)
I am beginning to think spring has given us a pass this year. We have another winter storm coming through tomorrow with a predication of up to 12″ of snow with freezing rain and sleet. This is sooo not typical of central Virginia in March and I am not impressed at all!!