New Stitching

Oh no, I’ve been talked into starting another piece. It doesn’t take much, does it? And, again, all of it comes from stash!

A little chicken

A little rooster

This is my progress on Little House Needlework’s My Needle’s Work. I’m stitching it on hand-dyed linen from Enchanting Lair, in the colourway Heritage.

I have to admit, I get a big chuckle out of the rooster. I mean, don’t we spend a lot of time telling people we don’t cross stitch things like ladies wearing doilies and ducks on their heads? And yet, here is a design showing a girl stitching a rooster. Still, it is cute, and I have been meaning to stitch it for ages. I’m also toying with the idea of changing the colour of her dress. We shall have to see how that works out.

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4 Responses to New Stitching

  1. Cj says:

    I love the chicken.


  2. Linda says:

    Great new start.

  3. You’ve made a great start with this. I do like the hand-dyed fabric – it looks very ‘vintage’.

  4. Joanne P says:

    I like this design, I’ve seen it a couple of time recently. It just occured to me one easy way to make it into a “Subversive Stitch”, just call it Girl Holding a ****” LOL

    Maybe you’d better not, you don’t want to appear on weird Google Search results, which is why I have censored my own post!!