Turtle Trot – April 2014

It is Turtle Trot time! I’ve been sidetracked by My Needle’s Work, so my progress on Turtle Trot projects was minimal this month.

Here is Tradewinds before I worked on it:

Tradewinds by Teresa Wentzler

Tradewinds by Teresa Wentzler

And here is my progress:

Tradewinds as of April 2014

Tradewinds as of April 2014

It is the first attention it has seen in maybe eight years! o_O At this rate it might be done before the end of the century!

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4 Responses to Turtle Trot – April 2014

  1. Linda says:

    Nice progress. Keep working on it.


  2. Jan says:

    Love all the progress! Don’t worry about TW’s Tradewinds. I’m still working on Camelot Sampler and it’s going on 13 years as a WIP.

  3. Joanne P says:

    Any progress is still progress, slow and steady will get you there in the end.

    Wishing you a favourable wind for this one!

  4. Magical Night is going on 17 years! Shocking!!! =) Tradewinds is looking awesome!