Stitch from Stash

It is Stitch from Stash time!

Stitch from Stash 2014 buttonThe goal of Stitch from Stash is to spend no more than $25 a month on stitching supplies. Anything left unspent is carried over, and you get one month to go crazy. (Details here, but it is too late to join.) My total for the year was $28.49.

My May/November purchases

My May/November purchases

This month I picked up two charts that I ordered back in November (yes, it really took that long for them to come in), and a magazine that was over-priced, for a total of $37.85. That brings my yearly total to:


I’m pretty happy about that. (I’m not happy about paying too much for stuff, though.)

Three crochet hooks and one knitting needle. And, I just realized one of the hooks is the wrong size...

Three crochet hooks and one knitting needle. And, I just realized one of the hooks is the wrong size…

I also had to pick up a couple crochet hooks and a knitting needle the other day, which brings my total spent on all crafts to around $205, plus another $20 spent on yarn for a partner exchange. That is an amazing improvement over last year. I had probably spent that much by the end of January.

My main Stitch from Stash project this month was La Pensée Positive. I’ve finally made it to part five. And, of course, my small for the month (which I will share on check-in day this coming Wednesday), is also all from my stash.

More progress on

More progress on La Pensée Positive

I hope all of you who are taking part in Stitch from Stash are doing well and holding to your budgets! I’m so happy with how this is working out for me. I feel very focused on and thankful for all the stash I already have.

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5 Responses to Stitch from Stash

  1. Linda says:

    Your doing great. Keep it up.

  2. Giovanna says:

    Great going. Jennifer’s blackwork charts are so pretty.

  3. Joanne P says:

    Well done on keeping within budget. The charts are lovely but I hope there is something really good in that magazine for that price!

  4. Faith says:

    Positive is looking GREAT!

    You are doing well with your spending for the year 🙂

  5. Nicole says:

    Great restraint! Some months are definitely harder than others! I’ve only been tracking my stitching stash, but I think will have to track everything next year… will be interesting to see!