I’m behind again, I know. And I apologize. I was waiting for a piece of the final prize, but sadly when it did arrive it wasn’t what I expected so I needed to search out a replacement. Thankfully, I believe I have put together a great prize package for our winner. Who is it?
Linda of Stitching With My Furbabies
Congratulations, Linda. And, again, I huge thank you to everyone who stitched along with me in 2014. We had over 400 entries for the entire year, and averaged a little over 30 entries per month. Some of you entered every month, or very nearly, and some of you entered only once in a while. I was happy for the company either way. 😉
The 2015 SAL is underway now, with the first check in scheduled for January 28th. I’m stitching away and will definitely make it on time, and I promise that post will be up on time too. 😉 If you’d like to join in, check out the details here. There will be a prize at the end of the year again for everyone who enters.
Did you know our little SAL made it into a magazine? We were included in a round-up article on SALs in the January 2015 issue of Cross Stitch Collection. Sadly, I think I missed the hard copy of the issue, but I was able to get the digital edition through my library system. Check it out if you can, you may recognize some other names in the article too. (Hi, Jo!)
How awesome – congrats to Linda and congrats to you for hosting and making the magazine! I’ll stop and pick up a copy – would love to read it.
Yea Linda !!!! It’s exciting that the SAL made “the news.” Go Team Small !
Congratulations to Linda, a deserving winner.
Don’t speak to me about that magazine, I subscribe and my copy went AWOL. I have been emailing them regularly with no response. Until yesterday when they assured me a replacement was sent out on the 7th. A replacement of Fast Bikes magazine!!
Much as I love motorbikes I want my CSC with me in it! Issue 245 has already arrived.
You may be in luck though, issue 244 isn’t out in the States yet so you may be able to pick up a copy.
Yeah!! Congratulations to Linda.. Yoohoo!!
Congrats on the magazine article. I am looking forward to our first check in on the 28th.
Congratulations to Linda :))
Congratulations Linda.
Congratulations Linda. WOW! on the magazine article – that’s great.
Congratulations on the magazine article. I wish I could read it.