Welcome to the last Wednesday of March and to the check-in day for the Smalls SAL.
I hope you’ve managed to have a productive stitching month. I know that in many places around the world the weather has been a bit crazy, leaving lots of time to stay indoors and pick up your needle.
This month I stitched Santa’s Night from Mill Hill. It is a kit from their 2005 series Charmed Mittens. It is stitched as per instructions with the included threads, except I didn’t attach the petite beads with an X, using a half stitch instead. Even though I was using a thin beading needle, I had so much trouble with the small beads. I think I have been spoiled by Delicas.
So, what did you stitch this month? I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s smalls. Please leave your link using the form below. Also, please be sure to link to your actual post, not to the main page of your blog, and try to select a picture of your small. The list will remain open to new entries until April 1st at about midnight Eastern time. Remember: for each month you share a finished small you get an entry into the end of the year draw.
Also, please consider visiting some of the other participants and leaving comments. We all love visitors!
April Check-In: The next Smalls SAL check-in will take place on April 29th. If you’d like to receive my reminder email, you can sign up on this page.
Thanks for taking part in the Smalls SAL!
Lovely work Heather, love these mittens.
One trick I’ve found with the smaller petite beads — some finishes of which, the ones which coat the thread channel, are a freaking DISASTER — is to give up on both my beloved loop start and my pride in always being able to get my beading needle threaded with both strands >_> If you put one strand in the eye and pull it down, then the first time you go through the bead it’s eye + 2 strands, which almost always works, and the second it’s eye + 4 strands, which usually works. More often than eye + six strands, anyway.
In conclusion, petite mill hills are annoying. 😛 I like that mitten, though!
My post goes up soon. I want to finish the small I’m working on right now to also count. >_>
Love your Mill Hill ornament!! I like to have the beads slanting the same way as my cross stitch also.
Your MH mitten turned out great! I love these little kits!
Love you stocking Santa. I’m a big fan of Mill Hill kits; sometimes I do cross stitch with petite beads, sometimes half stitch, it just depends on my mood 🙂 I hope I posted the link to my smalls post correctly.
These little Mill Hill designs do look good. Your tree will be lovely this year.
My post is rather small and sweet itself! Too much work and not enough free time I’m afraid.
Love this mitten, so sweet I like to stitch Christmas all year long.
I love your beaded ornament
Love your Santa.
Thank you for the reminder…I almost forgot!
Love your Santa mitten ~ such a cute design!
Hi Heather, cute Santa – he is adorable. Thanks for being a gracious hostess again this month.
Lovely beaded ornament.
Thanks for hosting this nice SAL.
Lovely Mill Hill ornament!!
This mitten looks so great. What a lovely ornament with all these beads.
Cute ornament!
Cute Santa!
Lovely Santa. I´ve never done any Christmas stitch. But I have a pattern that I want to give a chance…. I´ll try to start and finish it for next check in… Have a nice April…
Your stocking is beautiful. I was not able to check in within time. You can see my finish here: