Tiny Stocking

Goodness, March really is speeding along. Tomorrow is the first day of spring (and not a moment too soon!), and this month’s Smalls SAL check-in will take place this coming Wednesday–March 25th.

Tiny Stocking

Tiny Stocking

This is just a wee peek of what I’ve been working on this month. I’ll have my completed small ready to share on Wednesday, and I hope you will too.


If you haven’t signed up for the Smalls SAL, there is still time. Head over here for all the info. Remember, this is a super easy going SAL. Stitch a small every month or only once in a while. All that is required is that you add your link to the check in page at the end of the month, if you’ve finished a small. You can also sign up for a reminder email so that you will never forget a check-in day… unless I forget too. 😉

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1 Responses to Tiny Stocking

  1. Joanne P says:

    What an adorable tiny stocking. Is it part of a larger design?