Creativ Festival Fall 2015 – Day 3

I’ve survived another day, but just barely. I had a full day of classes, from 9am all the way to 8pm, with just two one hour breaks. And there is still two more days to go. *dies*

Broomstick Lace Sampler

Broomstick Lace Sample

My first class of the day was broomstick lace with Marsha Lipsius. It was a little bit difficult to manage my crochet hook and a “broomstick” (a US50 knitting needle) at the same time, but eventually I got the hang of it. I managed to almost complete the sample piece, which is a smaller version of an afghan pattern we were given. Mine is a little wonky, but I definitely understand the technique.

Keepsake Case Pieces

Keepsake Case Pieces

My second class as the Matryoshka Keepsake Case with Michelle Cheong. (You can see a picture of the finished project here. It was featured in the Summer 2014 edition of A Needle Pulling Thread magazine.) We learned how to put it together, and practiced some needle-turn applique. I’ll be taking time to do the face and the rest of the front of the piece properly at home, with proper lighting. 😉

Lilies Biscornu, designed by Kathryn Drummond

Lilies Biscornu, designed by Kathryn Drummond

I finished out the day with Kathryn Drummond again, this time for the Lilies Biscornu. I managed to make a fair amount of progress, and I really love how it is turning. And, to make it even nicer, my nail polish exactly matched the linen I was stitching on. It was meant to be!

Tomorrow I have just two classes, both needlework. Keep checking my Twitter feed for pictures throughout the day. I’m also planning on heading up to the show floor to go shopping. Yay!

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6 Responses to Creativ Festival Fall 2015 – Day 3

  1. Heather says:

    Great projects I especially like the biscornu. The linen is so delicate it’s a great color combo 🙂

  2. Thoeria says:

    You lucky fish 🙂 The pieces you are working on are gorgeous! I can’t decide which I like better!

  3. Linda says:

    Beautiful projects Heather.


  4. Joanne P says:

    More great projects. The biscornu is my favourite too.

  5. Susan says:

    I am trying to catch up after a week without a computer. All of your pieces are amazing. The lace is gorgeous!!

  6. Wendy says:

    The broomstick lace looks great! Not like a beginner at all. I must have a go!