Fall Creativ Festival 2015

It is that time of year again: Creativ Festival time! October is such a great month because the weather final cools down; there is Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing to eat; the Creativ Festival happens; and then Halloween rounds it all out. Scatter in a few family birthdays, and that makes October pretty wonderful.


I’ll be heading downtown for the Creativ Festival next week, where I will be taking sewing, crochet and needlework classes. Sadly, Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams  won’t be there again this year (she is always a highlight of the festival for me), but I’ve still managed to book myself five very full days of classes. I’ll be sharing pictures and progress both here and through Twitter. Unfortunately, you will have to put up with some bad pictures taken with my phone. I hope you will forgive me. 😉

Please join me next week for owls, biscornus, broomstick lace and more. And if you’d like to follow along on Twitter, you can find my feed right here.

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2 Responses to Fall Creativ Festival 2015

  1. Joanne P says:

    Have a great time!

  2. Heather says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun! I wish we had something like that here!