Smalls SAL 2016 Plans

2016 is getting closer and closer, and I am so excited to begin my planning for next year! I rarely follow through with my plans exactly as written, but I do love having some sort of game plan to work with.

SmallsSAL2016When it comes to the Smalls SAL (soon to enter it’s 3rd year, or 4th if you count the Ornament SAL I ran originally), I like to have a pool of designs to pick from every month. One year I decided to stitch one design from each Just Cross Stitch ornament issue, another year I stitched a Dragon Dreams Christmas ornament every month. This year, I gathered together a bunch of little kits and picked the one that inspired me the most each month. For 2016 I’m going to try something a little different.

Stained Glass Ornaments kit, designed by Teresa Wentzler (aka B Ornaments)

Stained Glass Ornaments kit, designed by Teresa Wentzler (aka Byzantine Ornaments)

Part 1 of my plan is to stitch all six of Teresa Wentzler’s Byzantine Ornaments (aka Christmas Ornaments, aka Stained Glass Ornaments). They measure about 45×45 stitches, which I think I can manage each month.

Twelve Days of Christmas, designed by Joan Elliott

Twelve Days of Christmas, designed by Joan Elliott

Part 2 of my plan, for when I finish the ornaments, is to stitch one section of Joan Elliott’s Twelve Days of Christmas as my small for the month. Again, each of these sections is somewhere around 45 stitches square-ish. And, while not a small in and of themselves, they are small, discrete designs separated by boarders, as laid out in the rules to the Smalls SAL.

So, tell me what you think. Am I crazy for trying to stitch six TW ornaments? Do you think the Twevle Days designs shouldn’t count as smalls? What are you plans? Let me know!

Also, if you’d like to going the Smalls SAL in 2016, head over to this page for all the information.

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12 Responses to Smalls SAL 2016 Plans

  1. Paula says:

    well I plan to make those ornaments eventually too, so no, you’re not quite nuts yet!

  2. gracie says:

    You will definitely be able to do it! I believe in you…

  3. Meari says:

    Sounds like a great plan!

  4. Blu says:

    Sounds like a plan. The Twelve Days better count as smalls since I plan to stitch one a month! (I’m doing Jim Shore’s version though).

  5. Rachel says:

    The TW designs are really sweet and should be achievable each month. I would personally count 12 Days as smalls as each can be stitched individually. It’s just a bonus that they are all on one design. 🙂

  6. Heather says:

    I think you can do it! Great designs 🙂

  7. Heather says:

    They totally count and my only goal is to finish my big wip this year.

  8. Darlene says:

    I like the idea of doing the six TW ornaments as well as working on your twelve day designs.

    Now if I could just sit and work on 12 smalls it would be nice to do this as well.

  9. Joanne P says:

    Damn you! I have both of these projects in my stash and now I’m tempted to join you!

  10. Susan says:

    I think this is a wonderful plan and I am now off to search for these patterns!! My stash thanks you, my wallet not so much!! 🙂

  11. Anna says:

    I think both will work! I try to start with a plan but everything goes pear shaped along the way. Let’s see what 2016 brings!

  12. Vickie says:

    Great plan!!! I love these designs.