May Kitty Cats

I mentioned a little over a week ago that I’ve fallen pretty far behind on the Snowflower Diaries Joyful World SAL. Well, I’m one step closer to being caught up!

Joyful World SAL - May, designed by Maja of The Snowflower Diaries

Joyful World SAL – May, designed by Maja of The Snowflower Diaries

This is May, which features two lovely kitties, some strawberries, and some bright spring flowers. Some of my favourite things, which is perfect for my birth month. 😉

I’ve gotten started on June, which is the month I’ve been dreading. Unfortunately, there are two splotches on my fabric where the dye broke, and they are smack in the middle of the area for June. Thankfully, though, I’ve mostly been able to cover them up by moving around a motif and adding a lone stitch.

Covering up dye splotches

Covering up dye splotches

What do you think? The diamond shape that has the yellow splotch in it will be filled in. And, I think the pink splotch will be mostly unnoticeable from a distance.

If you are interested in joining in for the Joyful World SAL, you can find all the details on Maja’s blog The Snowflower Diaries.

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7 Responses to May Kitty Cats

  1. Heather says:

    I don’t see any splotches everything looks great!

  2. B. Lapp says:

    The splotches can barely be seen – everyone is just going to see your stitching. May is my birth month as well and as a self confessed crazy cat lady, I think it’s perfect.

  3. Kim says:

    Looks great to me. You’re really churning away at the SAL and well ahead of me….I haven’t started…..:(……yet.

  4. Rachel says:

    I agree, the pink spot won’t show from any sort of distance. You are indeed within range of being caught up!

  5. Kerry P says:

    Great finish for may. I’m sure June will look great and they dye spots I’m sure are more noticeable because you know they are there. I couldn’t see them!

  6. Joanne P says:

    I agree, the splotches are only visible because you’ve told us they are there!
    This is such a great series of designs. I am really enjoying seeing all the different versions.

  7. Suzemo says:

    This SAL is super cute. Congrats on the finish!