WIP Wednesday – Witchy Start

Oh, goodness. July has been hot so far. I am not a big fan of summer, so I’ve been hiding inside as much as possible, trying to work through my summer to-do list while the little man is off enjoying summer camp. I’ve also managed to get in quite a bit of stitching time, and even finished a whole project! (I’ll share it tomorrow, but you can get a sneak peek on my Instagram account.)

Since I am counting the days until the cool fall weather returns, I’ve decided to start a Halloween-y design.

Electra, designed by Mirabilia (WIP)

Electra, designed by Mirabilia (WIP)

I’m stitching Electra, one of Mirabilia’s lovely witch designs. I’m stitching it as per the chart (more or less), on some brown-ish fabric I found in my stash. It could very well be Mushroom Lugana, but I’m not sure. (I need to put “sort and label fabrics” on that summer to-do list.)

Hopefully she will be done and framed in time for Halloween.

More tomorrow, stitchy friends!

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7 Responses to WIP Wednesday – Witchy Start

  1. Michele says:

    Great start!

  2. Katie says:

    Beautiful new starts!

  3. Rachel says:

    I’m sure it will be finished in time – you have a few months, after all!

  4. Kim says:

    Happy to hear you’ve gotten a lot of stitching done. Looking forward to seeing your finish.

  5. Joanne P says:

    Great new start. I love Nora’s series of witches but haven’t stitched any of them yet!

  6. Heather says:

    Ooo great start! I just bought my first bewitching pixies today. I got Raven and Zenia