Baby Purse

When I was a very little girl I had a cute little purse that could be converted into a bed for a baby doll. I remember loving the purse so much. Unfortunately, my little guy isn’t interested in purses or baby dolls. But, thankfully, my cousin just happens to have a little girl just the right age for little baby dolls.

Cradle Purse, designed by Mary Maxim

Cradle Purse, designed by Mary Maxim

This little project is a kit from Mary Maxim. It came with the little doll, the pattern, and a ball each of two different types of Mary Maxim yarn. (Sorry, I didn’t keep the labels.) The kit is available in both kit and crochet version here, and in a more subdued, slightly different version here.

Cradle Purse doll with blanket and pillow

Cradle Purse doll with blanket and pillow

The little doll has removable clothing. Although, it is a tight fit and I think the snap on the back of the top will be difficult for little fingers to manage. Still, it looks so cute!

Cradle Purse, designed by Mary Maxim

Cradle Purse, designed by Mary Maxim

Best of all, it gathers up into a little purse to carry around.

The little girl I gave it to seemed to love it. She carted around the little baby the whole evening, and seemed to delight in showing it to people (often in exchange for a bite of their food). It is so nice to be able to share things I loved from my childhood with the younger generation.



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7 Responses to Baby Purse

  1. Jo ButterZ says:

    My mum and I made these all the time for gifts. They are so easy and the little girls loved them and so do my grandsons…

  2. Rachel says:

    Indeed. Little girls haven’t changed all that much!

  3. Bea Lapp says:

    Love it! I’ve been eyeballing the knitted version, but resisted so far as I don’t know anyone with a little girl to give it to.

  4. Melinda Forbes says:

    This is the best!!!!

  5. Kaisievic says:

    Oh, my goodness, this is too adorable for words. What a sweet gift for a little girl.

  6. Susan says:

    Very cute. A very lucky little girl.

  7. Sheryl says:

    This is lovely, never seen one before, it would make the perfect gift