2017 Stitching Plans

Hello, my Stitchy Friends!

I’ll be honest with you: generally speaking I don’t like planning my crafty projects far ahead of time beyond saying “I’ll stitch these things for smalls this year,” or “I really want to get that stocking done.” But, for this coming year, I thought I would get a little more organized. 2017 is a big year in Canada. We will be celebrating 150 years as a nation (yes, we’ve been around much longer, but think of it like we moved out of England’s basement and set out on our own 150 years ago). So, that means lots of Canadian-themed stitching. And, I still have two more Christmas stockings to go, and several other projects I eventually want to get to.

Stocking, Canadian stitching, serenity and more—-my stitching plans for 2017

So, my plan for now is to work on:

  • Joyful World SAL – I still need to finish up October, November, December
  • Enchanted Ornaments Stocking by Dimensions (for me!!)
  • O Canada! Sampler by Thea Dueck
  • Canadian Beauty by Joan Elliot
  • Sublime Stitches – Liz Almond’s new free SAL
  • Serenity by Erica Michaels (to tie in with some personal goals)

And, of course, there is the Smalls SAL. I adore the Smalls SAL, not the least because I get to see all the wonderful things everyone else stitches. It makes me feel like I can stitch, stitch, stitch, and get so much done! And to maximize its magical powers, I went through all the little kits I’ve been collecting for ages and pulled out all the ones that I really, super, mega want to have stitched up and on display. I won’t list them all here since part of the fun of the Smalls SAL is the surprise of seeing what everyone stitched, but below is a little peek at what I’ve pulled out of my stash.

Lots of little kits to work on for the Smalls SAL.

Speaking of stash, I’ve signed up for the newest incarnation of Stitch from Stash, which is running through a Facebook group that you can find right here. The rules are very similar to the old SFS run by Mel of Epic Stitching, with a few twists. You can set your own budget, but no more than US$25 (or equivalent) per month. You can earn credit for finishes, etc, etc. My goal is just to have an accountability group to help me not spend so darn much on stash I don’t need!

So, that’s it. Those are all my stitching plans for next year. (I still need to figure out knitting, sewing, and crochet plans!) I’d love to hear about your’s. Leave a comment, and feel free to link to your planning post if you’ve put one up on your blog.


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14 Responses to 2017 Stitching Plans

  1. Bea Lapp says:

    Lots of great projects for the new year. I’ve ordered Jeannette Douglas’s Canadian Snippets and Vimy Ridge. Everything else will be from stash.

  2. Catherine says:

    Heather: Wonderful choices, I never plan ahead I just get itchy and cannot get things done, I love your choices.
    I look forward to seeing your progress.

    Happy New Year

  3. Brigitte says:

    Sounds like some great plans. I also plan to only stitch from stash, this will be fun.

  4. nanacathy2 says:

    Oh some super projects in your pipeline. And so organized. I should take a leaf out of your book! Happy new year!

  5. Darlene says:

    Lots of good projects ready to go. I think the Stitch from Stash is a great idea as I also need to be a little more accountable.

    I am going to work on Reflections of Canada and all twelve of the Joyful World – SAL months and I hope to work on Canadian Beauty

  6. I still have kits too!! I even have three sitting next to my chair, and still didn’t get them done this year. Maybe 2017 will be the year!

  7. Katie says:

    Great plans. Good luck! I’m going to shoot for a stress free year. I only have two goals. The monthly year long patterns I’ve picked for the Smalls SAL. Work on my Grandpa’s Family Crest at least once a week. Otherwise I’m going to work on what I want when I want to.

  8. Justine says:

    You’ve got a really good variety of beautiful projects there. Good luck with achieving your goals!

  9. Joanne P says:

    Lovely projects for 2017. Happy Anniversary to Canada! 150 years of leaving home, does that make you an adult yet? You’re kind of like the cool young Brother who does lots of outdoor sports and is the envy of the older sibling stuck caring for the elderly relatives.
    Love your selection of Smalls. Is that a Witchy Mouse I can see? Let me know what you plan to stitch her and I’ll join in.
    My planning post went up yesterday if you want to see my seventeen in seventeen!

  10. Good luck with your stitching plans – it will be a busy year!

  11. vondalee says:

    You have some wonderful projects lined up for 2017! Looking forward to seeing the results of your efforts!

  12. Heather says:

    Great choices good luck!

  13. Love all your plans!!! Good luck!!!

  14. Pingback: SALs and Mental Health | Stitching Lotus