Embroidered Rose

Hello, crafty friends! I think that my love of counted needlework is very well known by anyone who stops by my blog. I love cross stitch and canvaswork, and I’ve even been known to do needlepoint once in a blue moon. I love having a clear pattern and a little grid to follow, but every once in a while it is good to get out of your comfort zone.

Embroidered rose necklace

Embroidered rose necklace

The other day I dove into this little embroidery kit and stitched up this cute necklace. It look about 30 minutes to complete the stitching. It’s just simple satin stitch and woven wheel roses. I changed out the french knots for colonial knots, but they look the same.

The kit came from Amazon (a gift) and the quality of it was fine. The included thread feels silky, but it developed a fuzzy halo very quickly.

Finishing up this quick project almost makes me want to tackle a larger embroidery project again… almost, but not quite. lol!

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1 Responses to Embroidered Rose

  1. Rachel says:

    It’s always nice to have a quick change of technique now and again.