Hello, my wonderful crafty friends! I didn’t expect to disappear for so long again, but February was a difficult month. I don’t do well in the cold and dark, and with world events being what they are, I sort of just hibernated, crafted, and read books.
Speaking of which, here is my lovely little ghost from Living On The Rainbow’s A Year With Ghosts.
So, that’s two ghosts down (and two months of 2025 over with!).
I think these little ghost are just adorable. But, I do need to be more careful when stitching. I accidentally stitched the February ghost in white because I was sure I knew what colour he was. Of course the ghosts are actually off white. I had to pick him out, which is quite difficult on black fabric. I’m using a magnifier and light, and there is a white sofa just behind my frame that helps me see the holes, but it was still a challenge.
I was clearly in a ghostly mood in February as I made these cards to a Valentine Tarot card exchange.
I used an image from Creative Fabrica for the ghost and edited it a little bit in Cricut Design Space and then cut the ghosts from thick vellum using my Cricut Maker 3. Aren’t they cute?
March will hopefully be a much happier month. If I’m lucky, I will be visiting Sajou in Versailles shortly! I’d love to buy a pair of scissors there, but the Euro to Canadian dollars exchange rate is not good. We shall see, I suppose.