Guided Journaling Giveaway Winners!

First, I’d like to apologize for taking so long to post the winners. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. Shocking, but true! Also, you all call it a couch, not a sofa! I usually say sofa, and sometimes chesterfield. I guess I’m just weird that way. 😉

Anyway, on to the winners!

Guided Journaling Giveaway Prizes!

Guided Journaling Giveaway Prizes!

So, thanks to a spreadsheet and, I’d like to announce that the winner of the of the first giveaway, the Adventures in Guided Journaling – Vol. 2 is:

Anna of Stitch Bitch

Lots of journaling goodness!

Lots of journaling goodness!

And, again thanks to, the winner of the large package for everything you see above is:

Darlene of CraftKitten

Thank you very much to everyone who participated. If you didn’t win, I sure hope you will take the time to check out Christie Zimmer’s free journal pages and her etsy shop.

And, most importantly, I’d like to thank Christie for making this giveaway possible. She was very open to the giveaway when I suggested it, and she generously donated the items. Thank you again, Christie!

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1 Responses to Guided Journaling Giveaway Winners!

  1. Joanne P says:

    Congrats to the winners!
    I missed the post with the choices but I definitely say sofa or settee. A couch is what psychiatrists have LOL. or maybe where potatoes sit. Sofa is quite posh and settee is more working class.