- I am a woman.
- I am engaged.
- I am a Wiccan.
- I am a daughter.
- I want to be a mother.
- I love my fianc
About Heather
Needleworker, Knitter, Crocheter, Sewist, Paper Crafter, and more!
Also known as Silverlotus & Stitchinglotus
Located just outside of Toronto, Canada.
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Ye gads woman!
Sounds to me like you are teetering on the edge of some serious depression!
You need to get some medical help…some therapy, speak to a Dr about an anti-depressant. I’m not trying to be rude here, its just that I see an awful lot of myself in you and mirrors don’t often fib.
Take care – be proud of you and stand up for what you believe in. And seriously consider therapy to get that self-esteem adjusted.
Yes, I still miss my little Tshi-zu (yes I know the spelling is wrong) who has been gone for two years now, though he really WAS the hound from Hades. But as far as talent, your webpage is absolutely lovely. Did you put it together yourself???
I don’t have time to read this entire list, but I’m curious. Have you read “Journal to the Self” by Kathleen Adams? I ask, because this is where I’ve recently run across the idea of “lists of 100” myself.
Sorry about taking so long to reply! Where does the time go?
Susan, thank you very much for your concern. Actually, I am steadily recovering from a bout with depression. This hasn’t been my first, nor do I expect it will be my last. However, Sunday was an extra melancholy day. Probably not the best day to write the list. Overall though, I am feeling very happy and secure.
JaeL, thank you for saying my site is lovely. I came up with the ideas, but my finance quanta did the actual graphic work. He is very talented when it comes to that sort of thing. I just lean over his shoulder and tell him what I want. I did take the picture of the lilacs behind the title though.
Jarred, I don’t think I have read that book, although the title is familiar. I got the idea for the list from seeing it one many other blogs.