I made it through the week… thank goodness. The only battle wounds I have to show are some sore teeth (from clenching them together all week) and sore shoulders (from being so damn tense). I have an opportunity for another job interview. It would be a step down in terms of future growth and pay, but it would be a step up in terms of what I am capable of handling right now. Quite likely I will take it, although I’m going to put all thoughts of work out of my head, at least for a day or two.
Tomorrow I am going to finally sit down and read the first chapter of the Zero Boss’ masterpiece. (Do I get extra points for that, Jay?) I’ve had it for nearly a week, but I just haven’t been able to give it the attention it needs. And after that, I’m going to do something for me. I don’t know what yet, maybe sew or read or think.
I should be out enjoying the full moon, which is actually a blue moon where I am (and in all of North America if I remember correctly). But I think I will be forgiven, since it is all I can do it keep my eyes open and my thoughts coherent. If anyone is doing any special work for the full moon, please spare a thought for me. The extra help would be appreciated.
You’ve probably already discovered that “masterpiece” is somewhat of a stretch. But I appreciate your enthusiasm. 😉