Monthly Archives: October 2005

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about a friend of mine. We became friends when I switched to a new school in grade six. She moved away three years later, but we did our best to keep in contact through … Continue reading Continue reading

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Anything Else?!

Yesterday was not a good day. The Wendy’s Restaurant next door had a small fire, caused by a leak from the Second Cup above it. This caused our small mall area to close down. We were told by security to … Continue reading Continue reading

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Big Questions

– What if your talents don’t match with what you want to do? – What if more money isn’t the answer? – Is it really possible to make a comfortable living doing what you want? These are some pretty heavy … Continue reading Continue reading

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Instant Gratification

I’ve figured out something pretty big — I’m all about instant gratification. If I want something (within reason), I buy it right away. I also have trouble signing on to something for the long haul — like weight loss or … Continue reading Continue reading

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Personal Space

Lately I’ve noticed that children generally don’t have the same sense of personal space as adults. For example, it doesn’t matter how crushed together people get on the subway, we all manage somehow to have our own space, not really … Continue reading Continue reading

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CSNF Disappointment

This morning I went to the Creative Sewing and Needlework Festival, which I have been looking forward to for months. In the past, I have loved looking through all the booths and discovering wonderful new cross stitch treasures. This year, … Continue reading Continue reading

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Comments are Here!

Wonderful news – Comments are working again!  Over the weekend, quanta began switching both our blogs over to Movable Type 3.2.  Not all the templates are working correctly yet, but comments are now available.  I feel like my blog is … Continue reading Continue reading

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