My obsession with Ancient Egypt dates back to grade school. I remember that a friend was studying Ancient Egypt in her grade 4 class, while my class was studying something else. I asked my teacher if I could do an extra credit project on Ancient Egypt, and she readily agreed. The result was a mock journal of my trip down the Nile river to visit the temples and the Valley of the Kings. The longer lasting result was a love affair with the land and gods of Egypt.
I have another memory of grade school: during our weekly trip to the school library, I would either bury myself in a large picture book about dolls (another early obsession, but one which has died out), or in one about the treasures found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. I remember being entranced by the gold statues, and was probably as awed by the treasures as Carter and Carnarvin where in their time.
As I grew older my love for Egypt remained. My alias, Silverlotus, is inspired by the Ancient Egypt, as the lotus abounds in the artwork. I work almost exclusively with Ancient Egyptian deities, although I certainly don’t consider myself a Kemetic or reconstructionist of any sort. I am, however, considering working out a tradition, or perhaps a set of rituals within the UEW, that respect Ancient Egyptian religion.
For now, I am content reading books about Ancient and not-so-ancient Egypt. My current favourites include The Treasures of Tutankhamun by Jaromir Malek (the removable documents are amazing) and Tomb of the Golden Bird
by Elizabeth Peters. Oddly enough, they both deal with Tutankhamun, and I have had few dealings with the boy king since my days in grade school, other then watching the odd documentary. Maybe it is time to revisit those things that originally made me fall in love with Ancient Egypt.