Health Canada has finally announced that they are going to ban baby bottles that contain bisphenol A. (Government of Canada Takes Action on Another Chemical of Concern: Bisphenol A) We have been using Avent bottles for Baby C, and, of course, they are some of the effected bottles. We do have a few glass bottles, and we will be getting more today.
It is a difficult thing, raising children. I suspect that in the future, maybe decades from now, we will find out that something else we are doing is linked to cancer or something equally as bad. All we can do is our best, weighing the risks based on the information we have.
So, this weekend will be spent scouring the cupboards for plastic containing bisphenol A–my favourite water bottle, Baby C’s bottles (including the “novelty” ones), and goodness knows what else. Apparently soup cans are lined with a plastic that contains bisphenol A. *sigh* And so are the cans of liquid formula that I bought for emergencies.
If you are interested in clearing it out of your home, look for items with the 7 recycle symbol. You can read more here: Bisphenol A Fact Sheet.