I forgot to mention that I signed up to take part in the Totally Useless SAL (that’s Stitch Along for those not in the know). The point to get a glass jar and fill it with orts and other remnants of your stitching/crafting and share the picture with others once a month. Here’s my jar for this month:
It contains bits from all the cross stitch I’ve worked on, some yarn from knitting project I haven’t shared yet because it isn’t completely finished, and some yarn from Bamboo Sockies.
Speaking of which, here they are:
Notice the stripes line up perfectly. Yay me!!
And, yep, I am on Ravelry. You can find me there as Silverlotus.
The jar… what an awesome idea! Very nice socks, too; I am in proper awe of your skills.
(And duh… why did I not just search for the online handle on Ravelry? *facepalm*)
lol! Thanks, Owldaughter. Really, socks aren’t difficult. Just trust in the pattern. Remember, I’ve only been knitting since mid-September. If I can do it, they can’t be so bad. 🙂
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