Shawls and Fairies

First, a quick update on my aunt and uncle who were in Mexico.  They made it safely home on Monday, without a single sniffle between the two of them.  It turns out that the part of Mexico where they were staying has had no cases of the flu.  So,  that’s all good.  As for the bad news, I heard on the radio today that some “experts” say that as many as 1 in 4 of us could get this new flu.  I’ll get my box of tissues ready.  😛

On a much happier note, I am almost finished Letter H by Nora Corbett.  I changed a lot of the colours and most of the beads.  Actually, I’m not quite done with it yet because I’m not sure what colour of beads to subsitute for the golden 02045.  I’m leaning towards a silver, maybe 02022.

Letter H by Nora Corbett

Letter H by Nora Corbett
Fibres: Crescent Colours and DMC cotton floss
Beads: Mill Hill
Fabric: 32ct. Lugana Silkweaver Solo

For those interested in what I changed, I’ll be posting a list on my website and adding a link here when it is done.  You can now find the conversion here: Letter H Conversion.

I’ve also been working away on the Never Ending Blue Shawl of Doom, which is now past the halfway point. Yay!  As you can see from the picture, the design on the back  is very subtle because of the variegated yarn.  I actually kind of like the effect, and I’m very happy with the piece over all.

Pentacle Shawl

Late last week I started work on my Lily of the Valley Stole, but I ripped it out the other night.  I think that it was just a little too advanced for my newish knitting skills.  The nupps were pretty difficult to get right.  I will definitely try it again, but after I become a little more experienced.  My plan is to try another, easier, lace project first. (The Lotus Blossom Shawl, which I bought all the materials for back in October.)  And, I’m also going to do these Lily of the Valley socks to get some experience with nupps.

Right now I’m working on Delightful Dragon Scissor Fob by Teresa Wentztler and Lily of the Valley Fairy by Nora Corbett.  I’ll have some pictures of them to share later in the week.

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