With start of summer, we’ve had a jump in temperature here from about 16°C to 25°C. It is times like these that I am thankful for air conditioning and that I like to knit socks using bamboo yarn rather than big sweaters using wool.
And speaking of socks, for the past few days I’ve been working on Toe-Up Socks with a Difference by Wendy D. Johnson of Wendy Knits. What’s the difference, you many be asking. Well, the gusset increase is on the bottom of the foot. Take a look:
I’ve now turned the heel and completed decreased all the way back to the required 62 stitches. From now on it is just plain stockinette stitch until I think the sock is long enough. How long that is, I don’t know yet. And, for those interested, the yarn is Mary Maxim’s Bamboo Soft Stripes in colourway 3838 Hibiscus. This is the same yarn I used to make my little bamboo sockies, and I really like how it is wearing. They just released a new colour, Spring Rain, that I love.
Knitting from the toe up is pretty neat. I have a sock foot that fits exactly right, and it is much easier to quit when I’m bored of the sock. If I did that with a top down sock, it wouldn’t have any toes!
As for cross stitch, I’ve become obsessed with getting caught up on Jeanette Douglas’ Once Upon a Tree. The picture below was taken this morning. Since then I have finished up a good portion of the bottom tree. I just have two yellow flowers to backstitch around and all the speciality stitches that use Gloriana silk Summer ‘n’ Smoke to do. And then it gets put away until August or so, when the next issue of Just Cross Stitch comes out. (Notice that I changed the u in “Upon” to a capital letter. The small u looked weird to me, and I have been inspired by how well Tracy J makes changes designs. Baby steps!)
Note that I am using DMC everywhere I can in this design. I just couldn’t justify the price of silks when so little of each colour is needed. The exceptions are Gloriana silk Summer ‘n’ Smoke and Fallen Leaves because there is no DMC equivalent. I think the design is turning out really well with the DMC. It might be a bit brighter than the model, but I still love it.
Once I’m caught up, I will probably try to get caught up on Papillion Creations’ Castles in the Air. I’m still only about half way through part 2, and part 4 is due out any day.
Tomorrow I’ll share my jar for the TUSAL (I forgot it was the new moon today), and maybe a picture of my lovely seaweed and silk scarf that is in progress. And, if I’m really lucky, maybe I will have Once Upon a Tree finished too.
I’m still giggling about 25c & the a/c on! Here in Adelaide, the a/c goes on about 35c. Mind you, the heater goes on when it drops to 20c!
As usual, your socks are amazing! -trying to wipe the drool of my face as I type…And I haven’t seen JD’s Once upon a tree, must investigate that. I didn’t get around to posting on your previous post about Bacardi. If I drank it, I would stop immediately. That’s outrageous, what were they thinking? Oh, that’s right- they weren’t.
I check out your TUSAL later.
To answer your question regarding the ornament in my post, it is not a freebie. StitchBitch designs are available at needlepricks.com
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