A Rainbow-Coloured Failure

I’ve finally had my first knitting failure.  It isn’t because I don’t possess the skill required (entrelac is actually really easy if you have good directions), nor it is because because I kept making mistakes.  I’ve been defeated by my yarn.

It started like this: I signed up for an entrelac class at my LYS. The suggested yarn was Fiesta Ballet.  It is lovely, but it contains wool which means it is out for me.  So, instead of using Super 10 or something I’ve already used 100 times, I decided to try Blue Heron’s Cotton Rayon Seed.  I bought a lovely colourway that was shades of purple.  Just wonderful!  And then quanta bought me a new purple leather jacket.  It was a totally different hue than the yarn, so I decided to exchange the yarn for another colourway.  This is what I brought home:


The same yarn, in colourway Sunrise.  The purple in it was a pretty good match for the jacket, and I thought it would bring a nice splash of colour to my fall wardrobe, even though, if I am completely honest, this isn’t something I would ever buy.

The first entrelac class rolls around, and using some Super 10 I have lying around, I knit up this practise piece:


Even this loose piece looks cool, like the knitting is woven.  (It is a wee bit wonky because I used needles that were too large because the ones I should have used were in a project.  Clearly I need more knitting needles.  Like these new Zephyrs. But I digress.)

During the second class we started our actual project, an entrelac scarf.  My feeling that the yarn wasn’t quite right for me grew as the class went on.  A few ladies in the class say they like it, so I kept going.  When I got home I buried it in my knitting bag and worked on some other projects.  Yesterday afternoon, though, I thought it was time to dig it out and see if it had grown prettier with time.  Sadly, this is what I have:


Yuck!  It has been unravelled and the yarn banished to my stash until I find the right project for it.  I don’t expect it to see the light of day again any time soon.  What a shame, really.  And all because I got a leather jacket that I love.

On the plus side, I picked up some Berroco Touché last week that will make a lovely scarf for my new jacket, in a shade of green that almost exactly matches the lining of my jacket.  I guess there is a silver, or maybe green, lining to everything.


In other news, tonight I hope to finish up a lovely little cross stitched Mill Hill ornament, and possibly get more done on Part 3 of Casltes in the Air.  (Yes, I’m still stuck on that.)  I promise, patient readers, more cross stitch posts are coming.  And one on crochet gauge too.  (Let’s just say I have some stress issues.)

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1 Responses to A Rainbow-Coloured Failure

  1. Pingback: Reflections in the Pond · A Successful Scarf Attempt